What’s new with the new 3G iPhone? Well, 3G of course and GPS. There’s a list of slightly incremental enhancements such as the black back, flush head phone jack, rounder shape, and so forth; but there’s still a few key missing features: More disk space – same 8 and 16 gig versions Better camera –Continue reading “Don’t Regret Buying iPhone 1.0”
Category Archives: Thoughts
Re-engineer Your Career by Ferriss and Alboher
I’m heading out to SF for the weekend to take a break from blogging, work, and busy everyday life. In the mean time, I found this old video thanks to Lifehacker. I’ve read his book about the 4 hour work week and haven’t actually been sold on it yet.
An “Owner’s Manual” … for Your Blog?
As a shareholder of Google, I read the Owners Manual for Google Shareholders. Both Larry and Sergey emulated the same technique that Warren Buffett employed with Berkshire Hathaway in his owner’s manual for shareholders. Essentially, it is a manifesto of their guiding principals for their business. It solidifies their long-term approach to business decisions andContinue reading “An “Owner’s Manual” … for Your Blog?”
Google Reader is the Tivo of Blogs
I stopped using browser bookmarks. Reading blogs by visiting the site is comparable to watching TV live. Using an RSS reader, particularly Google Reader, I am able to pull the posts and “aggregate” them into one simple to use interface. While this isn’t any particularly new technology, the new site designed for the iPhone isContinue reading “Google Reader is the Tivo of Blogs”
Take that Apple!
I’m a corporate worker and have IBM. It has everything built in too!
Hybrids aren’t economically feasible…yet
The Toyota Prius promises 48 miles per gallon using a hybrid of gas and electric engine. The advance technology allows it to achieve a much higher fuel efficiency. With the price of gas approaching $4.00 a gallon with no end in sight, sales to Prius’ have been rising. The reason for buying a Prius shouldContinue reading “Hybrids aren’t economically feasible…yet”
Why DVDs Don’t Make Cents
Video rentals use to mean driving to the movie rental store, walk around the shelves and looking for the latest releases (hoping that all copies weren’t check out), driving the DVD back home, watching it, and then returning it (more often than not, paying a late fee). While not a new concept, various providers areContinue reading “Why DVDs Don’t Make Cents”
Taking a Methodological Approach to Solving Problems
There are two types of jobs: doer or reviewer. The doer creates widgets, manages programs, or provides services. The reviewer are consultants, auditors, and any external entity that reviews the doer’s product or service after the fact. Being a Gen-Y’er, my education consisted mostly of theory and thought. Very little was actually spent on planningContinue reading “Taking a Methodological Approach to Solving Problems”