Put your files on the cloud, prevent data loss

I’m a user of Dropbox. It’s an online data syncing service that allows files that you put into a folder on your computer to be synced to their online servers and any other computer and devices that you authorize. Dropbox is a great way to automatically get your files backed up online and synced toContinue reading “Put your files on the cloud, prevent data loss”

Hiring the best and brightest isn’t limited to the big firms

photo credit: Alex E. Proimos When small business is competing with big business, money usually beats out when it comes to hiring. Nevertheless, this doesn’t stop small businesses and even governments from attracting the best and brightest by offering perks and benefits that big business cannot provide. Small businesses are nimble and can offer anContinue reading “Hiring the best and brightest isn’t limited to the big firms”

Good bye my friend, we will miss you

I’m a cat person. I like their independence, but also their ability to manipulate their owners to serving their every wish. We’ve had Mochi for exactly a year now, adopting her from the vet school in Davis, CA. We recently started looking for a companion for Mochi while we’re at work. On a whim, myContinue reading “Good bye my friend, we will miss you”

Performing an organizational-wide performance assessment

Traditionally, companies and governments perform what is known as a risk assessment, to identify the likelihood and impacts of potential vulnerabilities, threats, and dangers. While this is a worthwhile management exercises to keep the risks on management radar, it often focuses on negative events such as internal control weaknesses, security, and disasters. photo credit: yomy17Continue reading “Performing an organizational-wide performance assessment”

Should my blog be self hosted or through a service provider

Nearly everyone has a blog in some form or another. I so often see individuals, and even companies use a service provider to manage their blog. This is referring to the many popular ones such as Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, Posterous, and so on. They’re easy to use, simply provide some basic information and they’ll setContinue reading “Should my blog be self hosted or through a service provider”

FAQ: How do you fix all these Word, Excel, and PowerPoint problems?

The MS Office suite can be a pain in the butt at times. Even the most basic activities can easily be messed up or corrupted with bad data. Over time, a lot of formatting and hidden data is entered into a document. After a while, the document is filled with headers, styles, formats, hidden text,Continue reading “FAQ: How do you fix all these Word, Excel, and PowerPoint problems?”