Photo by Richard ParmiterIf things slow down for you during the holidays, take a moment to change your passwords and enhance your security. Lifehacker posted a great list of tutorials. Their latest breach in security left a lot of usernames and passwords vulnerable. Make sure to use different logins for your financial accounts vs. aContinue reading “Upgrade Your Online Security Over the Holidays”
Category Archives: Thoughts
Five Powerful Examples of Crowdsourcing Systems
If two heads are better than one, what about a million heads. Crowdsourcing is distributing work to thousands and millions of workers, either for payment or volunteer service. Below are some of my favorite crowd sourcing examples. Amazon Mechanical Turk – Unlike other automated computing sourcing systems, Amazon relies on human beings to perform smallContinue reading “Five Powerful Examples of Crowdsourcing Systems”
Visual Thinking in the Writing Process
Ryan Coleman, founding member of VizThink, created an amazing presentation on visual thinking and the writing process. Although it was presented at an event for journalists, I think it applies to all of us and our writing process. Visual Thinking & The Writing Process View more presentations from Ryan Coleman | Freelance Information Designer & Facilitator.
Tips for Visual Note-taking
Visual note-taking or graphical recording is the processes of taking notes using images and graphics. It happens live, during the discussion. Sunni Brown is a talented visual note-taker and graphical recorder. She gives us 18 tips for more effective note-taking. You can’t write as fast as people can talk. When working with a group asContinue reading “Tips for Visual Note-taking”
It’s Monday Morning, Are You Sleep Deprived?
I’m currently reading Brain Rules. Rule 7 is “sleep well, think well.” Sleep deprivation costs US businesses more than $100 billion a year. That’s no chump change. Loss of sleep hurts attention, execution function, working memory, mood, quantitative skills, logical reasoning, and even motor dexterity. What if we change the way we work. Rather thanContinue reading “It’s Monday Morning, Are You Sleep Deprived?”
Intersect is Blogging and Tweeting on Steroids
Intersect is an up and coming social network. I’ve been beta testing the site with an invitation from @davidhoang and @moniguzman. Their biggest challenge will be getting people past the learning curve. It’s simple like Tumblr, or technically easy like Posterous. It’s not a blog. It’s not Facebook. It’s not a photosharing site. You don’tContinue reading “Intersect is Blogging and Tweeting on Steroids”
How I Capture Screen Shots
Screen shots are great. They help create a visual that can replace a lot of written text instructions. There are plenty of options out there. First off, show me the free options Don’t want to spend money and buy software. Most operating systems contain some free options. Windows 7 – The Snipit Tool will doContinue reading “How I Capture Screen Shots”
I Know Everything
I don’t know how things were done 20 years ago pre-Internet. The Internet has made our lives more complicated, overload us with information, and overwhelmed our pocket books. With all those pains comes some amazing advancement. Never before has the world’s collective knowledge easily accessed by one simple search box. How do I buy aContinue reading “I Know Everything”