Exporting and Backing Up Your Facebook Data, Just in Case

The data you post on Facebook is yours. You’re entitled to keep a copy of it for your reference. As an experiment, I was curious what and how much data I have on Facebook. Just in case I wanted to shut down my account, I wanted to keep a backup copy. To download your data,Continue reading “Exporting and Backing Up Your Facebook Data, Just in Case”

Most Books Are a Waste of Time, Just Read the Summary

I read a lot of productivity books on a variety of subjects. Most modern books are nothing more than a compilation of the author’s blog posts bound with glue and paper (or in bytes for eBooks). What makes a book a book? A lot of research – a book of thoughts is just a blog.Continue reading “Most Books Are a Waste of Time, Just Read the Summary”

Deceptions of the Food Industry, Blueberries Aren’t Really Blueberries

This really makes me angry. These products create a perception to consumers that their blueberries really are blueberries. Instead, it’s a combination of oils, sugars, coloring. Unfortunately, what’s the alternative? Ban these products and leave people with no alternative? The natural food products with real blueberries are expensive. A large family on a small incomeContinue reading “Deceptions of the Food Industry, Blueberries Aren’t Really Blueberries”

LinkedIn Network Visualized, Mapping Your Network’s Connections

Out of curiosity, I tried this service to visualize my Linkedin network. Compared to other maps I’ve seen, it appears that first, I have a relatively small network. Second, my network is in discrete groups. The colors represents certain groups. For example, my Pepperdine colleagues. This discrete image also shows that most of my connectionsContinue reading “LinkedIn Network Visualized, Mapping Your Network’s Connections”

Creating Your Self-Hosted WordPress Blog

Many people sign up for a free blog at WordPress.com or Blogger.com. They’ll typically have domains such as danielscoolpage.wordpress.com. While that’s fine, why not take the next step and host your blog yourself. It gives you more control and allows you to make custom modification. Additionally, your data is stored on your space instead ofContinue reading “Creating Your Self-Hosted WordPress Blog”

Personal Finance Strategies for Life Long Prosperity

The path to personal wealth follows a simple equation: Wealth (Income) = Revenues – Expenses There’s only two ways to change this equation. First, increase your revenues or sources of income. Second, reduce your expenses. If you live above your means, you are in debt. If you live below your means, you have savings. LivingContinue reading “Personal Finance Strategies for Life Long Prosperity”