Originally posted on LinkedIn. Captain’s log, earth date 2024.01.04. It’s been three years since I sat down with my therapist in 2020 in downtown Seattle. I sat on the couch, hugging the left armrest, barely taking up any space. We did the customary chit-chat; then, he asked me what I was here to work on.Continue reading “Working on the most challenging mask thus far”
Category Archives: Masks
I left my mask unchecked
Originally published on LinkedIn I lived all my life, oblivious to the wounds I carried. The calluses formed, and armor layered on, the clinking of the chainmail no longer felt heavy, until it was, too much to carry. In my 30’s, my body started to fall apart, cracks in the armor that was never meantContinue reading “I left my mask unchecked”
What lies beneath the masks I wear
Originally published on Linkedin. Masks. Why do I wear a mask? To fit within the social constructs of the society we created, one made with a set of rules, written and unspoken. On a day-to-day basis, these masks help me fit in, navigate the system, and for the most part succeed and thrive. Some masksContinue reading “What lies beneath the masks I wear”
The darkness beneath the mask
Originally published on Linkedin. Is the juice worth the squeeze? The consultant asked us to answer this question regarding choices to make in the system implementation. So, is the effort put into something justified by the outcome? I’m educated in economics and public policy, trained in program management, and we make decisions based on ReturnContinue reading “The darkness beneath the mask”
The first mask removed – sounds from the past
Originally posted on Linkedin Look at Daniel, you should be more like Daniel. That is the model minority myth. Asians work hard, they make lots of money, they’re good at maths, they stay quiet. I am only “successful” because, in hindsight, I spent the majority of my adult working life grinding under the gun. PauseContinue reading “The first mask removed – sounds from the past”