Text Messages is a Scam That’s Accepted by Consumers

Text messages are expensive. The maximum character count for a text message is 160. That’s 160 bytes for you nerds out there. Assuming the going rate of text messages at AT&T ($0.20 per message without a plan), that comes out to $1,310 per megabyte. That’s why they encourage you to sign up for their textContinue reading “Text Messages is a Scam That’s Accepted by Consumers”

Using an Iterative Process to Product Development

Traditionally, projects have followed a plan, define requirements, do, test, and deploy model. There is a lot of upfront planning and scoping the project. A plan is created to design and develop a product. This cycle takes a long time and has a period where the end user custom isn’t involved in the process. WhenContinue reading “Using an Iterative Process to Product Development”