Personal Finance Strategies for Life Long Prosperity

The path to personal wealth follows a simple equation: Wealth (Income) = Revenues – Expenses There’s only two ways to change this equation. First, increase your revenues or sources of income. Second, reduce your expenses. If you live above your means, you are in debt. If you live below your means, you have savings. LivingContinue reading “Personal Finance Strategies for Life Long Prosperity”

I Don’t Have Time for Social Media – How They Do It

If you’re wondering how all these young people are always on and always connected, here are a few ways they do that. Using mobile devices – They use their smartphones that come with social media apps. This makes updating, uploading photos, and sharing much faster, especially on the go. By text message – They useContinue reading “I Don’t Have Time for Social Media – How They Do It”

Gamestorming, Solving the Problems of Tomorrow

Gamestorming, a set of best practices compiled from innovative approaches authored by Dave Grey, Sunni Brown, and James Macanufo. The book contains 80 different “games” that can be played to develop new ideas, innovate, and create. My new project is to take each of these games and create a playing card or self-contained kit.