Visual Recording and Notetaking on an iPad, Amazing Detailed Video How-To

I’ve always been amazed at the artists who can make incredible imagery on the iPad using just their fingers. Rachel Smith, now with The Grove International posted a wonderful video on how to use tools on the iPad to make visual notes and diagrams. She then posts in amazing details how she took her notesContinue reading “Visual Recording and Notetaking on an iPad, Amazing Detailed Video How-To”

It’s All in the Details, How Subtle Considerations Can Make Your UI Superb

Little details are everything. For example, Google Chrome marks the scroll bar with little yellow marks where search terms come up from a ctrl-F command. These little details, while not noticeable to most people, creates the overall user experience. For more great examples, check out the Little Big Details Tumblr. via {Little Big Details Tumblr}

The Future of Books, Are We Going All Digital and Interactive?

Here are three concepts designed by IDEO on the future of books. Each shows an interactive world where reading is more than just the text in a book. I still find that for certain books, particularly books that require detailed images that paper still provides the best experience. An eBook will never be able toContinue reading “The Future of Books, Are We Going All Digital and Interactive?”

You Thought You Were Special, the Universe is a Big Place, Ours Isn’t Even Unique

Earlier, I had written how small we were in the universe. At one point, we believed the universe orbited Earth. Later we realized that we orbited the sun, which is just one of many in our galaxy. Our galaxy is just one of millions in this universe. That, in of itself, makes us seems soContinue reading “You Thought You Were Special, the Universe is a Big Place, Ours Isn’t Even Unique”

Example of Why You Should Back Up Your Data, Even On the Cloud

Popplet is a great tool that I use, mostly for beta testing. However, if you had kept real data, chances are, you may be lost it. See their email below. Don’t let your guard down. Even backups can fail if the underlying system fails. Back up your data, especially if you’re using beta services. DearContinue reading “Example of Why You Should Back Up Your Data, Even On the Cloud”

My Favorite Sites for Fresh Ideas

I get a lot of my ideas through reading and keeping up on a number of blogs. I checked my daily reads book marks and these are my top 10 (in no particular order): Gizmodo/Lifehacker – Published by Gawker Media, this is the tech and productivity geek’s blog. A lot of the material is curated from otherContinue reading “My Favorite Sites for Fresh Ideas”

Now May Not Be the Best Time to Buy, A Case for Saving Cash Instead

Now is the best time to buy. That’s the real estate agent mantra, regardless of what type of economy we’re in. Their incentive and livelihood is based on sales. Consider my alternatives below. Case for saving instead of owing a mortgage On a 30 year $300,000 mortgage at 5% interest, the payment schedule is asContinue reading “Now May Not Be the Best Time to Buy, A Case for Saving Cash Instead”