Here’s a good quote from Mark Zuckerberg in his visit to the Seattle Facebook office:
“One thing you find in engineering is a really good person is like 10 times as productive as pretty good person. I’m not talking about a bad person – I think bad people are negatively productive because of all the externalities of stuff that has to be cleaned up around them – but pretty good people, who would be the best engineer at a lot of companies.”
Source: Seattle Times
Published by Daniel Hoang
Daniel Hoang is a visual leader, storyteller, and creative thinker. As an experienced management consultant, he believes in a big picture approach that includes strong project leadership, creative methods, change management, and strategic visioning. He uses a range of visual tools to communicate business challenges, solutions, and goals. His change strategy is to build "tribes" of supporters and evangelists to drive change in culture and organization. Daniel is an avid technologist and futurist and early adopter.
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