Learning the Military Alphabet

A like Apple, B like Big, C like Cat. Ever read letters over the phone and had trouble coming up with words for a specific letter.

alpha, bravo (not beta), charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, golf, hotel, india, juliet, kilo, lima, mike, november, oscar, papa, quebec, romeo, sierra, tango, uniform, victor, whiskey, x-ray, yankee, zulu

How else can you use it? Why not replace text messaging speak with military speak:

WTF: Whisky Tango Foxtrot

LOL: Lima Oscar Lima

RTFM: Romeo Tango Foxtrot Mike

TTYL: Tango Tango Yankee Lima

Published by Daniel Hoang

Daniel Hoang is a visual leader, storyteller, and creative thinker. As an experienced management consultant, he believes in a big picture approach that includes strong project leadership, creative methods, change management, and strategic visioning. He uses a range of visual tools to communicate business challenges, solutions, and goals. His change strategy is to build "tribes" of supporters and evangelists to drive change in culture and organization. Daniel is an avid technologist and futurist and early adopter.