This really makes me angry. These products create a perception to consumers that their blueberries really are blueberries. Instead, it’s a combination of oils, sugars, coloring. Unfortunately, what’s the alternative? Ban these products and leave people with no alternative? The natural food products with real blueberries are expensive. A large family on a small income could not afford these natural products.
What alternatives are there?
Published by Daniel Hoang
Daniel Hoang is a visual leader, storyteller, and creative thinker. As an experienced management consultant, he believes in a big picture approach that includes strong project leadership, creative methods, change management, and strategic visioning. He uses a range of visual tools to communicate business challenges, solutions, and goals. His change strategy is to build "tribes" of supporters and evangelists to drive change in culture and organization. Daniel is an avid technologist and futurist and early adopter.
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