Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals and organizations from a current state to a future state. Apple has mastered this concept that so many managers and organizations have failed to do. Unlike many other companies, Apple has managed to build a following of users, introduced new concepts and new technologies, and have gained nearly complete adoption of changes.
Introduce new features slowly
Apple follows their own release cycle. They don’t release any feature or function pre-maturely just to beat out their competition or to catch up with the industry. Apple isn’t a perfect company and they do make mistakes. However, in general, they release features only when they are ready. For example, when the first iPhone was released, the App Store was not yet a function. They wanted a fully tested environment before releasing it to the general users.
Updates and changes happen often, couple times a year. Unlike Windows where version releases take years, Apple’s iOS changes functions often but slightly. Since 2007, the iOS system has not undergone any major upgrades.
Not being caught up in fads
When their competitors were releasing larger screens, all types of functionality, all in one devices with everything including the kitchen sink, Apple was releasing features slowly. Apple released 3G when it was ready. Apple still refuses to release a larger screen while everyone else is rushing out to have the biggest screens. Apple doesn’t claim to have 8 megapixel cameras when it knows that average users don’t even use all those pixels. Apple builds systems for the general population, not niche groups.
Making design and user experience a priority
The iOS has grown slowly from version 1.0 to the current version 4.0. Each release include very subtle and very minute changes. As users adopt the system, Apple is slowly introducing the users to a common system that works across all its devices: iPods, iPhones, Apple TV, and soon Macs.
Notice how these devices don’t come with extensive user manuals. It doesn’t require instructions. A well designed operating system and applications should be so intuitive that a user can pick it up and simply use it.
Call to action
How can we use these lessons learned to improve our work? How can we use Apple change management techniques to influence change in our work, our customers, and our employees?
Great article mate, this is definately being mentioned in my business A-level exam!