Traveling san laptop

In a recent trip, I decided to go sans laptop. Instead, I kept my home computer on and used Logmein for remote access in case I needed to access any work or personal related files. I downloaded a copy of Keynote and Pages a la the Apple iWorks apps. Aside from a few stares as I type in the iPad, this was a very productive trip.

As I switch to using remote access, I find myself trying to “touch” elements of the screen instead of using the mouse. Touch interfaces is the future and using a mouse seems so last century. As for typing, I’m not as fast on this touch keyboard as my regular keyboard (30 wpm vs. 60 wpm). This seems like an easy fix with just some practice. I even downloaded a typing app to do so.

There are bits of the touch interface that will take some getting use to. First, you have to trust the intelligent system. Unlike a physical keyboard, you don’t always have to type the words perfectly. The system corrects itself. Secondly, there’s no need to enter a period, just double space. Finally, you don’t hold down the shift button; that will take some getting use to.

As I finish up this post, I find myself wondering if I can get away with an iPad and remote into a home desktop, say a Mac Mini. Why run a full operating system that takes forever to boot up. I also enjoy the 10 hours of battery life, instant boot up, and saving my back from lugging all the weight around.

Should Apple build a touch tablet with a physical keyboard? I sure hope so. The iOS is more than enough for my regular work but I need to be able to type faster. There are third party cases with built keyboards but I’m looking for a native solution.

Published by Daniel Hoang

Daniel Hoang is a visual leader, storyteller, and creative thinker. As an experienced management consultant, he believes in a big picture approach that includes strong project leadership, creative methods, change management, and strategic visioning. He uses a range of visual tools to communicate business challenges, solutions, and goals. His change strategy is to build "tribes" of supporters and evangelists to drive change in culture and organization. Daniel is an avid technologist and futurist and early adopter.